PT. Bintang Muda Sriwijaya
Following the increasing demand of professional psychological practices to optimize human and organization development, Magna Penta is founded as a psychological consultant whose services focused on exploring potentials and developing human in industrial and organizational, educational, child development, and clinical field.
Supporting the increase of industrial productivity and organizational effectiveness through human resource management, starting from recruitment, selection through assessment, training, employee performance management, promotion and competency development, retirement preparation, and implementation of resource management programs for optimal performance.
Helping individuals, groups, and institutions/companies/organizations to create and improve mental health, through educational efforts to create an understanding of mental health issues and strengthen resources for mental health and resilience, as well as assisting issues on mental health and mental disorders through intervention design and evaluation for mental health.
A non-formal educational institution that organizes soft skills training programs to support work performance and self-development, including continuous learning and apprenticeship programs in the industrial world. soft skills penunjang kinerja efektif dan pengembangan diri, termasuk program pembelajaran berkelanjutan dan pemagangan di dunia industri.
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"Pengalaman menggunakan layanan psikologi di Magna Penta sangat memuaskan. Saya merasa sangat terbantu. Layanan yang saya gunakan, yaitu pemeriksaan tumbuh kembang anak saya. Pelayanannya ramah dan penjelasan yang diberikan psikolog pemeriksa mendetail. Sejauh ini bagus dan saya puas."
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Contact Us
Jl. Jend. Sudirman No. 98 D, Gedung Magna Penta Lantai 1-2, Palembang
Telp. & Fax: 0711-354591
Email: info@magnapenta.com